
Sermon preached at St John’s Bexley: 7th April 2024: Second Sunday of Easter: Family Communion: Acts 4:32-35; John 20:19-end

What did Jesus tell Thomas to do in today’s Gospel?

He told Thomas to put his hand in the wound in his side, and touch the wounds on his hands.

So in that same spirit, let’s play Operation!

Children play custom-made ‘Operation’ game, with nails, spear and crown of thorns to remove from Christ.

How easy was it to touch the wounds?

Talk about the need to be sensitive.

When Thomas touched Jesus’ wounds, it showed him it was really Jesus and he believed that Jesus had risen.

People carry all sorts of wounds, they may be physical, but it may be our minds, or our souls that are wounded. Most of us pick up more of these wounds as we go through life.

When we see each other’s wounds we come to learn more about each other – What’s important, and the pains we feel.

But as we found playing Operation, wounds are incredibly sensitive, and we need to be careful and caring because showing our wounds puts us in a position where we’re really vulnerable.

So if a friend or family member, or anybody, is in pain in some way – if they’re carrying hurts and burdens – then please do get to know them for who they really are, as Thomas did with Jesus, because those wounds and scars are part of who we are and our stories. But please, remember to do it sensitively, with care, and with love.

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